he did his best to coat his criticism with sugar 意味
- 《米》 自分の批判のトーンをなんとかやわらげようとした
- he he 同氏 どうし 先方 せんぽう 彼 かれ あの方 あのかた
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム
- best best n. 最善; 全力. 【動詞+】 We tried to bring out the best in him.
- coat 1coat n. コート, 上着; 外被; 塗り; 皮. 【動詞+】 Don't apply a second coat (of paint)
- criticism criticism n. 批評; 非難. 【動詞+】 accept criticism humbly 批判を謙虚に受け入れる
- sugar sugar n. 砂糖; 糖分. 【動詞+】 add sugar 砂糖を加える avoid sugar 糖分を避ける
- divest someone of his coat (人)の上着{うわぎ}をはぎ取る
- when someone did his very first job (人)が初めて仕事{しごと}をしたとき
- his HIS {略-1} : Honeywell Information Systems ハネウェル情報システム -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : hospital information system 病院情報(管理)システム
- find a mirror for his best self in ~の中に理想像{りそう ぞう}を見いだす In Joe DiMaggio, the nation found a mirror for its best self. この国はジョー?ディマジョーの中に自らの理想像を見いだした。
- get someone to do his best (人)に最善{さいぜん}[ベスト]を尽くさせる
- person who is at his best in the morning 朝型{あさがた}の人
- forgot to pay his brain bill., he 彼はばか[あほ]だ。
- give someone what he needs for his illness (人)の病気{びょうき}を治す[治療{ちりょう}する]のに必要{ひつよう}なものを与える
- he stands in a desert counting the seconds of his life {映画} : 時を数えて、砂漠に立つ◆米1985
- "he did badly on the day's racing" 意味
- "he did everything in his power to hinder our cause" 意味
- "he did exercises in order to build up his physique" 意味